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조회 수 : 16379
2009.01.26 (20:37:10)
ARTIST:  The Idle Race 
GENRE:  Psychedelic Rock 
ALBUM:  The Birthday Party (1968)
Idle Race (1969)
Time Is (1971) 
MEMBER:  Jeff Lynne (lead guitar, vocals, 1966-70)
Greg Masters (bass, vocals)
Dave Pritchard (guitar, vocals)
Roger Spencer (drums)
Mike Hopkins (vocals, guitar, 1970-72)
Dave Walker (vocals, 1970-72) 


The Idle Race
버밍햄의 로컬 그룹 Nightrider로부터 결성되었던 Idle Race는 엄격히 Psychedelic그룹이라고는 말할 수 없다. 이들이 발표한 초창기 싱글작품들의 훌륭함에도 불구하고 상업적으로는 실패를 맛보았다. 멤버들중 Jeff Lynne은 1969년부터 거절해 왔던 The Move의 참가를 끝내 받아들여 1970년 The Move에 가입했으며 후에 Electric Light Orchestra로써 커다란 명성을 얻게 되었다.


The Birthday Party (1968)
1. Skeleton and the Roundabout 
2. Happy Birthday 
3. Birthday 
4. I Like My Toys 
5. Morning Sunshine 
6. Follow Me, Follow 
7. Sitting in My Tree 
8. On With the Show 
9. Lucky Man 
10. Don't Put Your Boys in the Army, Mrs. Ward 
11. Pie in the Sky 
12. Lady Who Said She Could Fly 
13. End of the Road


Idle Race (1969)
1. Come With Me 
2. Sea of Dreams 
3. Going Home 
4. Reminds Me of You 
5. Mr. Crow and Sir Norman 
6. Please No More Sad Songs 
7. Girl at the Window 
8. Big Chief Woolly Bosher 
9. Someone Knocking 
10. Better Life (The Weatherman Knows) 
11. Hurry up John
Time Is (1971)
12. Dancing Flower 
13. Sad O' Sad 
14. Clock 
15. I Will See You 
16. By the Sun 
17. Alcatraz 
18. And the Rain 
19. She Sang Hymns Out of Tune 
20. Bitter Green 
21. We Want It All

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