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2009.01.27 (12:41:54)
ARTIST:  Writing On The Wall 
ALBUM TITLE:  The Power of the Picts 
YEAR:  1969 
GENRE:  Psychedelic Rock, Heavy Prog 
LABEL:  Vogue 
TRACKS:  1. It Came on a Sunday
2. Mrs. Cooper's Pie
3. Ladybird
4. Aries
5. Bogeyman
6. Shadow of a Man
7. Tasker's Successor
8. Hill of Dreams
9. Virginia Waters
10. Child on a Crossing
11. Lucier Corpus 
MUSICIANS:  Linnie Paterson (lead vocals, 1968-70)
William "Willy" Finlayson (guitar, vocals, 1968-69, 1973)
Jake Scott (bass, vocals)
Jimmy Hush (drums)
William "Bill" Scott (keyboards)
Robert "Smiggy" Smith (guitar, 1969-70)
Alby Greenhalgh (wind instruments) 

Writing On The Wall
Scott형제를 중심으로 결성된 스코틀랜드 애딘버러 출신의 6인조 그룹 Writing On The Wall은 오르간연주를 중심으로한 사이키델릭 사운드를 전개하고 있다.
초창기 Deep Purple 사운드와 유사한 이들의 앨범은 클래식의 도입 등 전형적인 Progressive, Psychedelic Rock을 들려준다.
2010.02.28 (15:37:34)

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