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2010.05.10 (19:08:40)
ARTIST:  East of Eden 
YEAR:  1970 
GENRE:  Eclectic Prog 
LABEL:  Deram 
TRACKS:  1. Have to whack it up (2:20)
2. a) Leaping beauties for Rudy
...b) Marcus junior (7:02)
3. a) Xhorkham
...c)In the snow for a blow (8:07)
4. Uno transito ciapori (2:28)
5. a) Gum arabic
...b) Confucius (8:18)
6. Nymphenburger (6:15)
7. a) Habibi baby
...b) Beast of Sweden
...c) Boehm constrictor (6:22)
8. Traditional: arranged by East of Eden (1:36)

Bonus tracks on Eclectic re-issue (2004):
9. Jig-a-Jig (A-side of Deram DM 297-Released May 1970)(3:43)
10. Petite Fille (3:55)
11. Biffin Bridge (5:52)
12. Blue Boar Blues (7:14)
13. Nymphenburger (first take) (5:16)
14. Marcus Junior (single edit, B-side of Deram DR 297 (5:12)
15. Jig-a-Jig (Take Nine) (4:17) 
MUSICIANS:  - Dave Arbus / violin, wind instruments
- Geoff Britton / drums, percussion
- Ron Caines / saxophones, vocals
- Geoff Nicholson / guitars, vocals
- Andy Sneddon / bass 
원본출처:  http://koreanrock.com/wiki.pl?EastOfEden 

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